Monday 9 September 2013

Online VS Real (Hints and tips + personal opinions)

Today in Bark it out!

Ok here before we get started, a few quick tips and good nd bad things in ONLINE and IRL relationships.


  1. Trust.
  2. Honesty.
  3. Communication. Yes, somehow. Always needed.
  4. Talk about the future, talk about what are the plans, talk about your daily routine, dont be scared of talking about seeing them in rl, or on camera to make sure its not a catfish.
  5. Solve the problems and arguments in the moment.
  6. Make sure that the relationship you are in is not a one sided relationship.
  7. Pics and vids help a lot! If you go out one day get some pictures or even videos for the other person to see.
  8. Don't overload yourself with not being able to see the other person.
  9. Think the ways to be able to see the other person while you cant, to get your head occupied.
  10. Make sure that if there is other person being too close to you, they have to know that is just a friendship reassuring your partner about it since there is no contact at all.
  11. You need to have something out of the relationship, if not it would overload you and if it ends up breaking you wont have nothing to do and you will go nuts.
  12. It will get to a point where one of the couple will have to do the sacrifice of leaving everything behind to go ahead with the relationship, if you are the one that is gonna leave, the other person will have to reassure you on how much happy will he make you and all that kind of things since you are the one making that big sacrifice.

Good things and bad things according to opinion and experience.

Irl Vs. Online

Irl you get to be with the person every day. YES
Online you get to see the person everyday. YES

Irl you get to have physical contact with the person. YES
Online sooner or later you will get to have physical contact with the person. YES

Irl you end up getting and turning towards physical more than mental and emotional. YES
Online you can’t be physical so it turns more mental and emotional. NO

Irl you don’t get to know the person that deep cos all you do is try and avoid deep talks to get deep in other aspects. NO
Online you get to know the person deeper cos all you can do is talk. YES

Irl you could get to trust the other person cos you can see what the other person does. YES
Online you have to trust and u end up trusting the other person cos trust and communication is the key of an online relationship, no trust = no relationship YES

Irl you share a few activities that you like or could like with the other person. YES
Online you share activities with the other person constantly, like cooking when you’re alone. YES

Irl if for whatever reason you have to separate for a long time, the relationship tends to cut, break up cos it’s harder for a physical relationship to turn to an online relationship. NO
Online if you turn that you can go close to where the other person lives, the relationship gets stronger cos it’s much easier for an online relationship to turn physical cos is what is trying to achieve. YES

Mr and Ms Nightscar's personal opinions:

Mr Nightscar:
Online Relationship... And Physical Relations...

I have had more online relationship than real life ones and to be perfectly honest... My previous ones haven’t been the best... Ranging from cheating to heartbreak over text and just simple single mindedness and one sided relationship.

But that does not mean that they are all the same, Take for instance my Fiancée, We've been together for 2 years and 3 months and were still going strong, From what I know she has never cheated on me and we are in an equal relationship meaning there isn’t a one sided part about it, And I could never be happier unless she was right here with me, Im literally over the moon with her.

But, I lack in trust sometimes... I know that may make me a bad thinking person but hear me out, over the past years I have dated numerous times over the internet including just one girl who had cheated on me 2 - 3 times and was dating another guy while dating me at the same time... When I found out I felt like my heart had just been pumped with a lethal injection, I felt so bad I went and locked myself away in my dark bathroom with a sharp object. But I will not get into that.

But I am not saying that online relationship are all bad like I said before, Ive been in a couple that were ok, But now im in one now and ide never look back, Im as happy as ever, We do most things together and use what we have to keep each other happy, Like drawings, Playing video games, Roleplaying etc... But we always look forward to seeing each other in real life; it’s not the same having someone with you 2000 miles away than to have someone on your door step... It does get upsetting, but never the less you can be happy both ways with being with someone over the internet waiting happily and excitedly for the day the come for them to jump into your arms... That is the best feeling in the entire world.

But when you’re with someone in real life you end up taking them for granted because they’re always there with you, you hardly miss them because they’re either a walk and car ride away and don’t take advantage that you will see them again seriously like with online relationship.

When you’re in a net relation you end up cherishing every single moment you are together. As I do. The first time I ever saw my Wolfie in real life, I felt complete, but when I had her in my arms... Her muzzle on mine... Her heart on mine... I didn’t need anything else, I was fully complete... Like a half of my heart attached to hers forever beating together in perfect harmony... That’s why I would say that internet relationships are perfect but NOT for everyone, you end up finding that one in a million person that completes you, As for real life you may come across someone that would make you as happy as I am, But you would take it for granted that they’re always there...

In Conclusion, Their both as good as each other in a sense... But not as good in another sense.

Ms Nightscar: 
The main difference ive found between my 2 main relationships that ive had one online and the other one irl is:

When in an irl: You get to be with the person every day, cos you’re only either a walk or a car ride or whatever away. Situation: You are doing your stuff during the day till either the other person or u call to go out for a walk or what so ever. You decide the time to go out and you go out, and after a couple of hours you come back, and, click, you disconnect about what you’ve done to keep with your stuff and business.

When an Online relationship: You could get to see the person every day, cos you r only a few clicks away or a phone call away. Situation: You are doing your stuff during the day while you can be calling the person or being on Skype with the person. You decide that you are gonna go see that person and you buy the tickets, but it could be a month or 2 or 3 away or even more, since the moment you buy the tickets you’re already thinking about what would u want to do, you're excited about going every time you talk to the person you’re heart goes nuts every time it comes out of random things that you could to....Till the moment gets, you go nervous excited...And you get to see the person, your heart explodes you want to hug, tackle, kiss, make out, touch, talk, see.....everything but u get into a hug, that hug you’ve been needing for god knows how long, that hug that you've both been wishing to give every night, that hug lasts a while and then when u finally manage to say a few words after having some kind of 1000000 heart attacks half a seizure, Parkinson, nervous attacks......Those first words that first kiss, those first feelings where you feel that your heart finally has another half. Those feeling stay with you for as long as you are with the person, and then you have to come back to your house, you have to unglue, unsewn your heart from the other persons, your sad and hurt and you don’t want to go, cos the main reason is that you won’t know for sure when you’re both gonna be like you’ve been for a couple of days or a month again. You come back to your house and all you think is how epic it was all you end up doing for god knows long is talk about how amazing it was, how funny epic sad exciting it all was, and you go to sleep everyday and fall asleep thinking of those moments, to again a long wait till that moment gets, wanting to grab it with all your strength and not let go.
If online sounds like routinely, tell me what’s not routinely in a physical relationship. Online, every day is a challenge and an achievement, Irl, is just another day. 

Common conclussion: 

After talking about it for some time, showing our previous relationship experiences, weve got to this conclussion:
"Online relationships seemed to be more benefitial in the long run due to the fact that you both will realise that the time you have with eachother is so precious, whereas in real life you dont get to appreciate the time you share, also for those with less trust being in an online relationship depending on if you are with the right person can help you substancially regain your trust for others. You also learn to become more patient due to waiting to see them" 
This conclussion could carry on for a while, but we think you get the idea.

(All of the above is just our opinions on our experiences in relationships) 

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